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Educação Livre

Barco em um lago

Por que educação livre?

Ao usar o termo, me refiro à complementação da educação acadêmica estruturada, ou seja, penso em formação humanística, de caráter universal e plural, como estratégia de abertura para o mundo.


Assim, encaro a formação profissional como entrelaçada à formação pessoal, de modo a agregar valores e práticas e promover uma atuação autorrefletida e engajada com a alteridade e a diferença.


Em outras palavras, é uma educação que busca a abertura para o mundo e para o outro, de forma a adotar princípios não apenas norteadores, mas estruturais para entendimento e prática.


A partir do meu entendimento de mundo é que posso fazer minha contribuição através do meu trabalho. Portanto, quanto mais ampla minha compreensão, maior será minha participação. Entendo que é preciso, na era da especificidade, entender o valor do generalismo e praticá-lo das mais diversas formas.

Ciências Humanas
DI e Educação
Editoração e Comunicação
Soft Skills


Introduction  to Business Management (2020)

FutureLearn / King's College London, 16h


Project101x: Introduction to Project Management (2016)

Coursera / University of Adelaide


Gestão do Conhecimento (2016)

Fundação Getúlio Vargas, 30h


New  Models of Business in Society (2020)

Coursera / University of Virginia, 8h


Social Enterprise: Business Doing Good (2017)

FutureLearn / Middlesex University Business School, 12h


Systems Thinking (2019)

LinkedIn Learning / Derek Cabrera, 34m


Simplifying Business Processes (2019)

LinkedIn Learning / Suzanna Kaye, 1h11m


The Art of Photography (2015)

Open2Study / Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, 16h

Photoshop Elements 13 Essential Training (2019)

LinkedIn Learning, 3h29min

Ciências Humanas

Introdução à Mitologia Grega (2023)

Casa do Saber / Julia Myara, 1h


Introdução à Filosofia (2022)

Casa do Saber / Franklin Leopoldo e Silva, 1h


Guia Essencial da Filosofia: Pensamento Clássico (2023)

Casa do Saber / Paulo Niccoli Ramirez, 7h


Os Pensadores: Sócrates e Platão (2023)

Casa do Saber / Franklin Leopoldo e Silva, 2h30min


Uma Introdução a Platão (2022)

Casa do Saber / Franklin Leopoldo e Silva, 5h


O Banquete de Platão (2023)

Casa do Saber / Maurício Pagotto Marsola, 3h30min


Os Pensadores: Aristóteles (2023)

Casa do Saber / Franklin Leopoldo e Silva, 2h


As Pensadoras: Safo, Hipátia e Diotima (2023)

Casa do Saber / Rachel Gazolla, 2h


Santo Agostinho: Uma Introdução (2023)

Casa do Saber / Andrei Venturini Martins, 2h29min


A Formação do Humano: Cultura, Educação e as Humanidades (2023)

Casa do Saber / Renato Janine Ribeiro, 3h51min


Conhecimento e Cuidado de Si: Um Percurso Filosófico (2023)

Casa do Saber / Maurício Pagotto Marsola, 6h05min


Trilha da Filosofia, 1ª Temporada (2023)

Casa do Saber / Franklin Leopoldo e Silva e Oswaldo Giacóia Junior, 2h


Trilha da Filosofia, 2ª Temporada (2023)

Casa do Saber / Franklin Leopoldo e Silva e Oswaldo Giacóia Junior, 1h33min


Introduction  to Intercultural Studies: Defining the Concept of Culture (2019)

FutureLearn / University of Leeds, 10h


Cultural Studies and Modern Languages (2015)

FutureLearn / University of Bristol, 12h


Empire: Controversies of British Imperialism (2015)

FutureLearn / University of Exeter, 18h


Foundations of Psychology (2015)

Open2Study / Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, 16h


Sociology (2015)

Open2Study / University of Western Sidney, 16h

Understanding the Origins of Crime (2015)

Open2Study / Griffith University, 16h

Design Instrucional e Educação


How to Learn Online (2020)

edX, 6h


Learning How to Learn (2018)

Coursera / University of California San Diego, 9h


Developing a Learning Mindset (2022)

LinkedIn Learning / Gary Bolles, 30min

Learning Agility (2022)

LinkedIn Learning / Gary Bolles, 35min


Build a Personal Learning Plan and Stick with It (2021)

LinkedIn Learning / Shanita Williams, 51min


Mindshift (2018)

Coursera / McMaster University, 8h


Teaching Adult Learners (2018)

Open2Study / TAFE North Metropolitan, 4h


Becoming a Confident Trainer (2018)

Open2Study / TAFE North Metropolitan, 4h


Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning (2018)

Coursera / State University of New York, 20h


Learning Online: Searching and Researching (2017)

FutureLearn / University of Leeds, 4h


Learning Path: Become an Instructional Designer (2018)

LinkedIn Learning, 13h38min


  • The Neuroscience of Learning

  • Instructional Design: Models of Instructional Design

  • Instructional Design: Needs Analysis

  • Instructional Design: Storyboarding

  • Instructional Design: Adult Learners

  • Instructional Design: Creating Video Training

  • Instructional Design: Working with SMEs

  • Introduction to Screencasting

  • Teaching Techniques: Writing effective learning objectives

  • Agile Instructional Design

  • Measuring Learning Effectiveness


Creating and Deploying Microlearning (2022)

LinkedIn Learning / Chris Mattia, 1h01min

Blended Learning Essentials: Getting Started (2019)

FutureLearn / University of Leeds, 20h


Técnicas de Elaboração de Projetos (2005)

UNAMA, 20h

A Educação Segundo o Espiritismo (2023)

Universidade Livre Pampédia, 15h

Editoração e Comunicação

Produção Editorial (2016)



Formação de Editor de Textos (2019)

LabPub,  24h


Preparação e Revisão: O Trabalho com o Texto (2016)



Virando a página: compreendendo o livro eletrônico e as mudanças no mercado (2016)



A Confecção do Livro: Produção Gráfica Editorial (2015)



Publicação de Revistas Científicas Eletrônicas pelo SEER (2010)

Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia – IBICT, 60h


Setting up a Journal in OJS 3 (2020)

PKP School, 16 módulos


Information Literacy (2019)

LinkedIn Learning / Elsa Loftis, 1h47m


Discovering Science: Science Writing (2017)

FutureLearn / University of Leeds, 10h


Designing a Presentation (2021)

LinkedIn Learning / Tony Harmer, 56min


Developing Visual Campaigns (2021)

LinkedIn Learning / Amy Balliett, 2h


20 Rules for Visual Communication (2021)

LinkedIn Learning / Amy Balliett, 1h47min

Designing a Letterhead System (2019)

LinkedIn Learning / Nigel French,  23min

Soft Skills

Study Skills for International Students (2014)

FutureLearn / University of East Anglia, 8h


Critical Thinking for Better Judgment and Decision-Making (2021)

LinkedIn Learning / Becki Saltzman, 56min


Networking and Volunteerism for Career Success (2018)

Coursera / University of California San Diego, 10h

The New Rules of Work (2022)

LinkedIn Learning / Gary Bolles, 54min


Getting Things Done (2019)

LinkedIn Learning / David Allen, 30m

Delivering Results Effectively (2019)

LinkedIn Learning / Dave Crenshaw, 54m

Enhancing Your Productivity (2019)

LinkedIn Learning / Dave Crenshaw, 45m


Prioritizing Your Tasks (2019)

LinkedIn Learning / Dave Crenshaw, 37m


Managing To-Do Lists (2019)

LinkedIn Learning / Suzanna Kaye, 42m


Organizing Your Office for Maximum Efficiency (2019)

LinkedIn Learning / Suzanna Kaye, 1h02m

Going Paperless: Start to Finish (2019)

LinkedIn Learning / Suzanna Kaye, 2h11m

Productivity Tips: Using Technology (2020)

LinkedIn Learning / Dave Crenshaw, 38m


Productivity Tips: Finding Your Rhythm (2020)

LinkedIn Learning / Dave Crenshaw, 40m


Time Management Fundamentals (2019)

LinkedIn Learning / Dave Crenshaw, 2h53m


Time Management Tips Weekly (2020)

LinkedIn Learning / Dave Crenshaw, 7h51m


Managing Your Calendar for Peak Productivity (2019)

LinkedIn Learning / Dave Crenshaw, 1h07m


Time Management: Working from Home (2019)

LinkedIn Learning / Dave Crenshaw, 1h25m


Finding Your Time Management Style (2019)

LinkedIn Learning / Dave Crenshaw, 1h14m


Time Management Fundamentals with Microsoft Office (2019)

LinkedIn Learning / Dave Crenshaw, 1h10m

Developing Self-Awareness (2020)

LinkedIn Learning / Gemma Leigh Roberts, 1h

Balancing Work and Life (2020)

LinkedIn Learning / Dave Crenshaw, 28m

Recharge Your Energy for Peak Performance (2019)

LinkedIn Learning / Heidi Hanna, 51m

Corpo, Comida e Autocuidado (2022)

Casa do Saber / Bia Rique, 30min

Managing Stress (2020)

LinkedIn Learning / Todd Dewett, 21m


Avoiding Burnout (2020)

LinkedIn Learning / Todd Dewett, 24m


Personal and Family Financial Planning (2020)

Coursera / University of Florida, 10h


Organização de Biblioteca Pessoal – Módulo 1 (2000)

Departamento de Patrimônio Histórico, Artístico e Cultural do Pará – DPHAC/SECULT, 7h


Leitura Dinâmica, Concentração e Memorização (1998)

Paulo & Lirlhy Daibes, 16h


CS50’s Understanding Technology (2022)

CS50, Harvard University


CS50’s Computer Science for Business Professionals (2022)

CS50, Harvard University

Introduction to IT Course (2022)


Technical Support Fundamentals (2022)

Coursera / Google, 21 horas


The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking (2022)

Coursera / Google, 27 horas


Learn How to Code Course (2022)



Code Foundations Skill Path (2022)



Programming Foundations: Fundamentals (2020)

LinkedIn Learning / Annyce Davis, 2h06m


Programming Foundations: Object-Oriented Design (2020)

LinkedIn Learning / Olivia Chu Stone and Barron Stone, 2h40m


Programming for Everybody: Getting Started with Python (2016)

Coursera / University of Michigan, 28h


Learn HTML Course (2022)



Learn CSS Course (2022)


Responsive Web Design Certification (2022)

freeCodeCamp, 300h


Learning GitHub (2022)

LinkedIn Learning, 2h11min


Internet History, Technology, and Security (2016)

Coursera / University of Michigan, 12h


The Internet of Things (2017)

FutureLearn / King's College London, 8h


Digital Accessibility: Enabling Participation in the Information Society (2017)

FutureLearn / University of Southampton and Moocap, 15h


Surveillance Law (2014)

Coursera / Stanford University, 18h


Getting Work Done in Office 365 (2019)

LinkedIn Learning / Steve Nguyen and Steve Somers, 1h50m


Word: Automating Your Work with Macros (2021)

LinkedIn Learning / Gini von Vourter, 1h


Excel Essential Training (Office 365/Microsoft 365) (2021)

LinkedIn Learning / Dennis Taylor, 2h17min


PowerPoint: From Outline to Presentation (2021)

LinkedIn Learning / Richard Harrington, 1h46min


PowerPoint: Animating Text and Objects for Beginners (2021)

LinkedIn Learning / Garrick Chow, 25min


PowerPoint: Audio and Video (2021)

LinkedIn Learning / Garrick Chow, 2h03min


PowerPoint: Creating a Self-Running, Interactive Presentation (2021)

LinkedIn Learning / David Rivers, 54min


Access Essential Training (Office 365) (2019)

LinkedIn Learning / Adam Wilbert, 3h51m


Learning Relational Databases (2019)

LinkedIn Learning / Adam Wilbert, 2h43m


Outlook Essential Training (Office 365) (2019)

LinkedIn Learning / Jess Stratton, 2h17m


Outlook on the web Essential Training (2019)

LinkedIn Learning / Gini von Courter, 2h33m


Outlook: Time Management with Calendar and Tasks (2019)

LinkedIn Learning / Gini von Courter, 1h01m


OneNote Essential Training (Office 365) (2019)

LinkedIn Learning / David Rivers, 3h46m


OneNote Tips and Tricks (2019)

LinkedIn Learning / Heather Severino, 2h03m

OneNote: Creating a Bullet Journal-Style Notebook (2019)

LinkedIn Learning / Heather Severino, 1h02min


Learning Evernote for Windows (2018)

LinkedIn Learning / David Rivers, 2h24m

Tradução e Idiomas

Working with Translation: Theory and Practice (2018)

FutureLearn / Cardiff University, 16h

Translation as a Career (2023)

The Open University, 4h

Introdução ao Mercado da Tradução Técnica (2017)

Geronymus Especialização de Tradutores, 12h


Técnicas de Tradução: Software e TI (2017)

Geronymus Especialização de Tradutores, 24h


Treinamento SDL Trados 2017 (2017)

Reality Soluções, 4h


Webinar sobre Apostille (2017)

Universus Traduções, 2h


Webinar sobre Certificação Digital (2017)

Universus Traduções, 2h


The Bilingual Brain (2014)

Coursera / University of Houston System, 48h


Understanding Language: Learning & Teaching (2015)

FutureLearn / University of Southampton, 12h


Miracles of Human Language: An Introduction to Linguistics (2018)

Coursera / Leiden University, 30h


Exploring English: Language and Culture (2015)

FutureLearn / British Council, 12h


Writing in Plain English (2021)

LinkedIn Learning / Judy Steiner-Williams, 1h51min


Grammar Foundations (2021)

LinkedIn Learning / Judy Steiner-Williams, 2h11min


Advanced Grammar (2021)

LinkedIn Learning / Judy Steiner-Williams, 2h8min


Inglês Jurídico (2014)

Fundação Getulio Vargas, 30h


Clinical Terminology for International and U.S. Students (2016)

Coursera / University of Pittsburgh


English for Career Development (2018)

Coursera / University of Pennsylvania, 20h


English for Business and Entrepreneurship (2018)

Coursera / University of Pennsylvania, 20h


Teach English Now! Foundational Principles (2018)

Coursera / Arizona State University, 24h


Teach English Now! Theories of Second Language Acquisition (2018)

Coursera / Arizona State University, 12h


Pluralidades em Português Brasileiro (2018)

Coursera / Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 20h


Minicurso Semântica Discursiva (2009)

FIBRA / José Luíz Fiorin, 4h


Mito e Narrativa (2009)

UFPA, 8h

Tradução e Idiomas
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